Wednesday, January 31, 2007

NEW! Caption the Card Contest

News Flash! We've extended the deadline for Caption submissions until next Friday the 8th. Some of the more memorable ones posted to date include:

Like the pasta? Just wait until you taste the sauce!....Leigh
Thanks for dinner, but carbs go straight to my chest....Carl
Bet ya can't guess what's for dessert!......Lisa

Keep it up!

I think everyone will agree that food and sex make a tasty combo and we need your help to craft the perfect message to go with this image. We will choose a winner on April 1st (perfect, April Fools Day!) so have a blast and tell your friends to submit their brillant caption.

P.S. Rules are as follows. One caption per person. Must be 10 words or less. Submit by posting in the comments section. Contest ends Friday April 1st. If your message is chosen you get credit on the card (check out the Pajama party eCard in the Random section that Elizabeth submitted and won the first contest) plus some Rolling Stone's CD's.

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